Family-driven care honors and respects the life that every child lives as a part of a family and community. Providers recognize that every family is unique — with its own dreams, vision, values, traditions, preferences, and strengths. Family-driven practices require staff to work to engage families — without judgement — and empower them to make informed choices and decisions and lead the development of a care plan based on their unique needs and strengths. In the Family-Driven Care chapter of Residential Interventions for Children, Adolescents, and Families, authors Jo Anne Hust and Anne Kuppinger identify key categories of family-driven practices, including:
- A compassionate admissions process
- Partnering with families
- Keeping the family in the parenting role
- Valuing and supporting family time together
- Nurturing natural supports
- Improving cultural and linguistic competence
- Providing services in the community while the family is receiving residential interventions
- Focusing on long-term success at home
Key Resources
- Tip Sheet for Families Considering a Residential Program – Brief (English) | (Spanish)
- Tip Sheet for Families Considering a Residential Program – Expanded (English) | (Spanish)
- Engage Us: A Guide Written by Families for Residential Providers
- Embracing Family-Driven Care
- Successfully Engaging Families Formed through Adoption: Strategies for Residential Leaders
- Collaborative Family Engagement: A Promising Approach to Supporting Children in State Care