Texas Events
NAMI Family Support Group
A free 90-minute support group for family, partners, friends and significant others of a loved one with a mental health condition.
NAMI Family Support Group aims to help you:
- Understand and gather insight from other’s experiences
- Help you know that you are not alone in this
- Share success stories and gather the knowledge of other success stories
- Be more heard and connected with individuals that endure similar struggles
NAMI Family Support Groups are facilitated by family members who have a loved one with a mental health condition. You are not obligated to share during this meeting.
Virtual | Wednesdays | 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group
A free 90-minute recovery support group for people living with a mental health condition in which people learn from each others’ experiences, share coping strategies, and offer each other encouragement and understanding.
NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group aims to help you:
● Utilize better coping skills
● Gain greater understanding of interpersonal emotions (i.e. forgiveness and guilt)
● Embrace strength from sharing experiences.
● Acceptance of problem-solution behavior, we cannot solve every problem
● Understanding of trauma induced by mental health and how mental health is not your fault
NAMI Connection Recovery support groups are facilitated by trained persons in recovery who live with a mental health condition. You are not obligated to share during this meeting.
Virtual | Wednesdays | 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Mind Matters Fall 2024: Talk Saves Lives
Talk Saves Lives is an educational presentation by American Foundation for Suicide Prevention that provides a clear understanding of this leading cause of death, including the most up-to-date research on suicide prevention and what we can do in our community to save lives. This presentation is for individuals 18+ as we will be covering sensitive topics.
Virtual | September 10th | 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Restorative Practices for Educators
Restorative Practices helps us to build healthy relationships by identifying core values and establishing consensus around how we relate to one another. Restorative Practices provides a process for effective communication, establishing healthy boundaries, taking responsibility, solving conflict, healing when harm has occurred, and creating accountability for self and others.
In this 6-hour session, participants will first learn about what Restorative Practices is and is not, followed by why Restorative Practices is a proactive and reactive tool that campuses should have in their intervention toolbox. Participants will also learn how to facilitate the restorative process and implement foundational structures from a systems perspective, regardless if your system is one classroom, an entire grade level, or the whole campus.
In-person | September 11th | 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Texas School Safety Center Bullying and Cyberbullying Training
The Texas School Safety Center, in collaboration with Safer Schools Together, is hosting a no cost, 7-hour Bullying and Cyberbullying training.
Preventing bullying and mitigating its impact begins with a strong understanding of the legal landscape of Texas bullying laws. This virtual training will walk participants through all Texas bullying and cyberbullying laws, including behaviors that may apply to suspected bullying situations, such as assault, harassment, hazing, stalking, sextortion, dating violence, and related federal laws. Participants will explore Texas mandated expectations for campus staff, rights of victims and parents, related penal code, and determining when behaviors go beyond student discipline and into criminal behavior. Participants will also learn about how bullying manifests on and off campus and how to plan and respond with actionable strategies. This training is open to public ISDs, open-enrollment charter schools, junior colleges, school-based law enforcement, and state agencies that support Texas schools.
Virtual | September 18th | 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Trauma Informed Care Workshop for Educators (Elementary)
The Trauma-Informed Care Workshop for Educators focuses on providing an overview of trauma, and its impact on student behaviors in the elementary (K-5) classroom. Attendees will learn about the role of mental health in daily functioning, how trauma impacts the brain, the importance of unrecognized executive function deficits, and the role neuro diverse complexities play in student behavior. Throughout the workshop, participants will be provided with concrete strategies that can be implemented in a school and/or classroom setting to support all learners through a trauma informed lens.
Virtual | September 19th | 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Virtual | October 10th | 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Trauma Informed Care Workshop for Educators (Secondary)
The Trauma-Informed Care Workshop for Educators focuses on providing an overview of trauma, and its impact on student behaviors in the secondary (6-12) classroom. Attendees will learn about the role of mental health in daily functioning, how trauma impacts the brain, the importance of unrecognized executive function deficits, and the role neuro diverse complexities play in student behavior. Throughout the workshop, participants will be provided with concrete strategies that can be implemented in a school and/or classroom setting to support all learners through a trauma informed lens. This training is open to public ISDs, open-enrollment charter schools, junior colleges, school-based law enforcement, and state agencies that support Texas schools.
Virtual | August 15th | 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Virtual | September 25th | 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Virtual | October 17th | 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Say Something
Sandy Hook Promise is partnering with the Texas School Safety Center to bring Say Something, the proven violence prevention program to middle and high schools in Texas. Say Something is a no-cost, easy-to-implement, and life-saving program that will help school personnel and/or school-based law enforcement to teach students how to recognize warning signs of potential violence or self-harm and act immediately to intervene. The training will take 2.5 hours with a wide range of activities and resources to ensure training integration within the school culture, supported by student-led SAVE Promise Clubs.
Virtual | October 22nd | 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
Virtual | December 17th | 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
Managing Challenging Behaviors
Challenging behaviors are a form of communication. Children tend to relay their feelings and needs by acting out rather than explaining. Hospital workers can inadvertently reinforce this pattern by paying close attention to disruptive behaviors while ignoring more desirable ones like playing quietly. While this makes sense for the worker, it can incentivize the creation of drama and angst to get attention. This class by Great Lakes MHTTC describes ways to promote and reinforce calm and pro-social behaviors while setting effective and practical limits when necessary.
Virtual | August 15th | 9:45 am – 11:30 am
Managing Complex ADHD in Pediatric Primary Care
The Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium is hosting this virtual event on Managing Complex ADHD in Pediatric Primary Care for healthcare providers caring for patients under age 23.
Virtual | August 26th | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Snooze Buttons to School Blues
The Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium is hosting this virtual event on school refusal in children and teenagers. With the training you’ll learn to identify and discuss the various aspects of school refusal in children and teenagers, learn reasons and conditions that contribute to school refusal and understand how to assess it, and use case based learned discuss therapeutic and pharmacologic treatments to help with school refusal.
Virtual | August 27th | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
NAMI Familia a Familia Entrenamiento de Maestros (2024 de septiembre)
NAMI Familia a Familia es un programa educativo gratuito de 8 sesiones para familiares, personas importantes y amigos de personas con problemas de salud mental. Es un programa designado basado en evidencia. Esto significa que las investigaciones muestran que el programa mejora significativamente las habilidades de afrontamiento y resolución de problemas de las personas más cercanas a una persona con una condición de salud mental. NAMI Family-to-Family es impartido por familiares capacitados por NAMI que han estado alli e incluye presentaciones, debates y ejercicios interactivos. ¡Aplica ya! Solicitudes hasta el lunes, 12 de agosto de 2024.
Virtual | September 7th – 8th
Supporting Pediatric Patients Exposed to Trauma and Loss
Healthcare providers caring for patients under 23 are invited to this virtual webinar by Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium on how they can support pediatric patients exposed to trauma and loss.
Virtual | September 23rd | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
PTSD Webinar
In this webinar by Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium you’ll learn the following: Review trauma, traumatic experiences and traumatic stress. Review the DSMV diagnostic criteria for PTSD in children and adolescents. Explore how presentation in children and adolescents may differ from adult population. Expose to screening tools that can be used in the evaluation of PTSD. Review evidence-based treatment strategies for treatment of PTSD. Discuss importance of trauma informed care
Virtual | September 24th | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Start with Hello Program
The Texas School Safety Center (T×SSC) is partnering with Sandy Hook Promise to bring Start with Hello, one of Sandy Hook Promise’s no-cost Know the Signs programs which teaches students to be more socially inclusive and connected to each other. With activities and curricula available for all ages, students are empowered to end social isolation in three easy steps which include: see someone alone, reach out and help, and start with hello. The training is 2.5 hours and will consist of a wide range of activities and resources to ensure training integration within the school culture, supported by student-led SAVE Promise Clubs.
Virtual | September 24th | 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
Central Texas African-American Family Support Conference (CTAAFSC)
Join CTAAFSC, for much-needed conversations about mental health, substance use disorders, and intellectual and developmental disabilities. Come together to lift one another and move towards a healthier future. The conference is in-person only. Registration opens in August!
Austin, TX | Feb 4th – 5th | 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
National Events
Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART)
SMART offers an innovative, modern, uplifting, and highly scalable approach to enhance individual resilience. Developed by Dr. Amit Sood at Mayo Clinic, SMART is offered as a four module structured program. SMART has been tested and found efficacious in over 30 clinical trials for decreasing symptoms of stress, anxiety, and burnout, and increasing resilience, wellbeing, mindfulness, happiness, and positive health behaviors. Join South Southwest MHTTC Learn Realistic, Achievable Habits that Strengthen Our Mind and Improve Wellbeing.
August 13th | 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Provider Plática Learning Collaborative: Supporting the Training Needs of Practitioners of Spanish Language Mental Health Services / Colaboración de Aprendizaje para una Plática entre Profesionales
In response to many requests for a bilingual space for mental health providers, the National Training & Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC) and the Pacific Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) projects are jointly holding this Provider Platica program, a monthly collaborative space for peer learning and resourcing. Led by two bilingual facilitators, this series is available from January through August of 2024, and provides the opportunity for members of the mental health workforce to share common challenges and experiences when providing services to Spanish-speaking communities with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) as well as high-quality resources and innovative solutions. All levels of Spanish language proficiency and comfort are welcome – this is an inclusive, bilingual space. ¡Bienvenidos a todos/as/es!
August 27th | 2:00 pm – 3:15 pm
Journaling for Wellness: Exploring Benefits, Techniques, and Lived Experiences
Journaling is a powerful method of recording thoughts, experiences, and emotions that can help people find balance and fulfillment across the eight dimensions of wellness. This session will explore the various forms of journaling, backed by research and first-hand experiences, highlighting its mental health benefits for people with lived experiences. Participants will also be introduced to the “Journaling – A Wellness Tool” workbook, an accessible resource for personal and professional growth. By the end of this webinar, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to integrate journaling into their daily routines, enhancing their mental health and overall wellness.
August 7th | 12:00 pm
Every Day Counts: Community Conversations on School Attendance Series
In this series of interactive discussions, the National Training & Technical Assistance Center brings together subject matter experts from various communities and child-serving agencies, to delve into innovative community-based solutions that address chronic absenteeism and promote regular school attendance. The objectives are to empower communities to implement effective solutions, amplify youth and family voices in school attendance discussions, and generate actionable insights to improve attendance rates.
Session 1 | August 12th | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Session 2 | August 19th | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Session 3| September 9th | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Session 4 | September 16th | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
An Introduction to the Ages and Stages Questionnaires(R) ASQ-3 & ASQ:SE-2
This event is an excellent opportunity for professionals in the early childhood mental and behavioral health field to learn about ASQ-3™ and ASQ:SE-2™, two important developmental screening tools that are widely used in all child-serving settings. Led by certified trainer, Holly Gursslin M.Ed, NCC, LPC attendees will gain practical skills and knowledge to use these tools to effectively identify and monitor developmental and social-emotional needs in young children. Register by August 9th.
August 14th | 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
August Pact Session
The mental health system is vast, complex, and often confusing. Peers and Clinicians Together (PACT) is a free monthly series where you can ask anything that’s on your mind of a mental health clinician and peer support! The session is hosted virtually by the National Training and Technical Assistance Center for Child, Youth, and Family Mental Health (NTTAC). Each month, the featured clinician and peer speakers will be prepared to discuss a specific topic that draws on their expertise, but the majority of the session’s time will be an audience-driven Q&A, so bring your questions!
August 15th | 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Championing Students Through Change Series
Navigating life’s transitions can be challenging, especially for students moving between different educational and institutional settings. This August, the Pacific Southwest MHTTC invites you to join us for a three-part series dedicated to supporting students through these critical periods of transition. Register by August 19th to join the series.
Session 1: Creating a Culture of Warmth and Welcome Through Planned and Abrupt Transitions | August 20th | 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Session 2: Nurturing the Transition Back to School Following Student Hospitalization | August 21st | 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Session 3: Supporting Repair, Restoration and Reentry After Juvenile Justice System Involvement | August 22nd | 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Beyond the Hype: What Research Tells Us About Social Media’s Role in Youth Mental Health
This event was created by Child Mind Institute in partnership with State of California’s Department of Healthcare Services. In this session of their Technology & Youth Mental Health Series, they will explore what the existing science has uncovered about the role of social media in youth mental health — and what remains to be studied. In the event, they’ll investigate the ways social media is both helpful and harmful to mental health, and highlight the key questions that researchers, clinicians, and parents need to be asking.
August 20th | 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Youth and Young Adult Support Space (YYASS!) August Office Hours
This NTTAC Office Hours series offers a virtual learning space for those leading and coordinating youth engagement efforts in System of Care and Healthy Transitions grant communities, as well as others who are working in and leading youth-run programs and organizations. This monthly space is designed for informal, in-depth conversations and connection with peers in the workspace to ask questions, share resources, best practices, challenges, successes, and a space to receive coaching support from Youth MOVE facilitators.
August 21st | 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Mental and Behavioral Health Monitoring in Early Childhood Intervention: Support for the Use of the Survey of Well Being of Young Children (SWYC) and the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (MCHAT-R/F)
This highly interactive training by South Southwest MHTTC is only open to Early Childhood Professionals working in the following states: Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, & Texas. This event will provide training on the use of the following level one screening tools for identifying developmental concerns: Survey of Well Being of Young Children (SWYC) and the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (MCHAT-R/F).
August 23rd | 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Family Exchange: Peer Networking for Family Leaders who Foster and Support Family Engagement
Are you a family leader with lived experience as a primary caregiver of a child, youth or young adult with mental health or substance use need who is working in a role that fosters and supports family engagement in agency practice and policy decisions? Are you interested in connecting with other family leaders working in similar roles to expand and enhance your skills and knowledge? Whether you are new to your role or you have been in the family movement for many years, the Family Exchange is a peer networking group to share experiences, innovative and effective practices, skills and knowledge, solution to barriers and challenges, and key information supporting your role as family leaders. The group will be facilitated by experienced family leaders from the Family-Run Executive Director Leadership Association (FREDLA) who will foster peer connections, access to resources and technical assistance, and support family leaders to further family engagement within their agency, community or state.
August 28th | 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART) for Educators
Educators! Join South Southwest MHTTC to Learn Realistic, Achievable Habits that Strengthen Our Mind and Improve Wellbeing. SMART offers an innovative, modern, uplifting, and highly scalable approach to enhance individual resilience. Developed by Dr. Amit Sood at the Mayo Clinic, SMART is offered as a four-module structured program. SMART has been tested and found efficacious in over 30 clinical trials for decreasing symptoms of stress, anxiety, and burnout, and increasing resilience, wellbeing, mindfulness, happiness, and positive health behaviors. CEUs are available!
September 3rd | 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Youth and Young Adult Peer Support Training
South Southwest MHTTC is providing this training for Region 6 Peer Support Specialists. The training provides participants with a foundation for youth experience with mental health and substance use challenges, the unique issues for youth navigating recovery and youth-serving systems, and best practices and tools for peer specialists looking to support youth. There’s no age requirement, and applicants will be accepted on a rolling basis.
September 17th – September 19th | 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
988 Mental Health Call-Line: An Overview for Health Providers & Educators
This presentation by Northeast & Caribbean MHTTC will provide an overview of the 988 Lifeline, which provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress and crisis resources for people experiencing emotional distress or suicidal crisis. They will discuss when and how 988 could be helpful during interactions with patients, students or colleagues and offer additional resources for people who are in emotional crisis.
September 18th | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
At Your Own Pace Trainings
NTTAC’s Fatherhood & Fathers Curriculum
If we want to ensure infants’ and young children’s healthy development across domains (i.e. cognitive, motor, social-emotional), fathers and father figures are essential. This curriculum highlights stories from communities around the country to illustrate the importance of including fathers from all backgrounds. Additionally, it provides a comprehensive set of resources on father engagement programming. Practitioners, program leaders, advocates, and other professionals working in our early childhood systems of care will walk away understanding the why and the how of authentic father engagement.
Family Support and Crisis Intervention Team Training
Learn about Crisis Intervention Team Training. Listen to stories of families advocating for love ones and a CIT trained officer’s message.
The Impact of Partnering with State Entities and Family Run Organizations
Collaborations and partnerships are essential in business relationships. This webinar focused on how two state family run organizations work with state and government systems to build stronger communities in the field of behavioral health and substance use.