The 83rd Legislature, Regular Session, established the Texas System of Care Consortium to help improve the coordination of state services for children. This statute, Texas Government Code, Section 531.251, amended previous statute that originated with the 76th Legislature, Regular Session. The original statute required that pilots be developed to demonstrate local systems of care for children and youth with serious mental health challenges and their families. The amended statute moves toward statewide implementation of local systems of care and of the system of care approach described in the comprehensive Texas System of Care Strategic Plan.
The Sunset Commission recommended to the 84th Legislature, Regular Session, that advisory groups be consolidated. Heeding their recommendations, the Consortium and the Texas Children Recovering from Trauma committee combined to form the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Subcommittee (CYBHS) to the Behavioral Health Advisory Committee (BHAC). The (BHAC) serves as the primary advisory voice to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission for issues related to mental health and substance use for Texans of all ages. The CYBHS provides recommendations on children and youth behavioral health topics and serves as the advisory body for the Texas System of Care.
The Texas System of Care developed a vision and mission under the comprehensive strategic plan. The mission and vision are:
Mission: To strengthen the collaboration of state and local efforts to weave mental health supports and services into seamless systems of care for children, youth and their families.
Vision: All Texas children have access to high quality mental health care that is family-driven, youth-guided, community-based, culturally-grounded, and sustainable.
While there are many stakeholders and community leaders who participate in CYBHS meetings and serve as partners to the Texas System of Care initiative, member agencies and representatives are the following:
- Texas Health and Human Services Commission
- Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
- Texas Education Agency
- Texas Correctional Office on Offenders with Medical or Mental Impairments
- Texas Juvenile Justice Department
- Department of State Health Services
- BHAC representatives
- Higher education
- Community representatives
- Family representatives
- Youth/Young adult representatives
- Advocacy organizations
Texas Health and Human Services Commission Lead Staff:
- Sarah Fiorenza, Project Director (email