What is Wraparound?
Wraparound is planning process that supports families in achieving their vision for a strong and healthy family. In wraparound, a team is created that includes the family, the individuals in their lives who support them, and service providers. The team builds on the strengths of all team members to identify and implement strategies that help the family to meet their needs. The wraparound team meets monthly to track progress and adapt the plan based on the family’s voice and choice. Wraparound planning embodies the values and principles of system of care — it is individualized, family and youth driven, culturally and linguistically competent, collaborative, strengths-based, and focused on supporting children in their home and community.
How is Texas providing access to wraparound?
Texas has invested in providing wraparound planning in all 254 counties. Wraparound planning serves as the framework for the Youth Empowerment Services (YES) Home and Community-Based Waiver program. The YES Waiver program also provides access to non-traditional services and supports to children at risk for out-of-home placement due to emotional disturbance. In addition, community mental health providers offer wraparound planning to families qualifying for this level of care.
How We Support
Wraparound Planning for Children in Residential Programs
Texas System of Care is striving to expand access to wraparound planning to children and youth in residential programs. Wraparound teams can help link residential program staff with the natural supports and service providers who will support the family upon the child’s return to his/her community. Wraparound planning can help build the strengths of the family, school, and community members, thereby reducing the amount of time the child will spend in residential programs. Collin County and East Texas Systems of Care are piloting wraparound planning targeting youth in residential programs.