Recordings and Slides:
July 27th
Growing from a CRCG to a SOC by Alice Alvarez
The Bexar County Children and Youth CRCG is growing to create an alliance across multiple systems. In this session you’ll be able to learn about our journey. We are building connections to raise capacity and align goals to coordinate efforts and create system change.
Healthy to Crisis: Paying Attention to the Spectrum of Behavioral Health for the Whole County by Bryce Boddie, Krista Pomeroy, & Michael Cokerham
Everyone fits in the mental health spectrum, healthy, stressed, struggling, crisis. What happens before the crisis? The work that we are doing within our county to work backwards is defining the way we address our gaps in behavioral health services. Our mental health crisis calls, suicide attempts, and death by suicide have steadily increased in the last 3 years. Our worst possible outcome is to lose someone to suicide. Our mental health officers are usually called long after the healthy, stressed, and struggling stage and individuals are in a full blown crisis. As a county we have identified how important it is for us to work with everyone on the spectrum, so that when individuals are in the healthy, stressed, and struggling stages they have access to education, coping, and professional help so they never make it to that crisis stage.
Suicide Prevention in Juvenile Justice: A Discussion of Gaps by Molly Lopez & Emily Dirksmeyer
Youth in juvenile justice settings (e.g., probation, detention) are at increased risk for suicide attempts. Join us for a review of current best practices and a description of a current initiative to develop a Zero Suicide toolkit for Texas juvenile justice settings. Zero Suicide is a movement in healthcare settings outlining the aspirational goal of eliminating suicide of individuals involved in healthcare settings. We aim to adapt elements of this model to support juvenile settings and develop tools to support organizational change.
Using Self-Awareness to Advocate for Support Needs in Different Environments by Jordan Smelley
The tool of Self-Awareness can be used by and help support people with IDD (Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) to identify and advocate for their support needs. Using a presentation and worksheet attendees will have access to, attendees will learn the three concepts of Self-Awareness: strengths, challenges, and personality traits. The presenter will also share an inclusive definition of the term “support needs.” Then participants will learn the four steps needed to use self-awareness to advocate for their support needs in different environments. Finally, before starting Q&A session, attendees will see the four steps in action by viewing an example in each of these three environments: employment, academic, and social settings.
Closing Keynote
Building a Growth Mindset in Ourselves and Our Clients by Karen Williams
Mindsets shape our expectations, attitudes, motivations, and behaviors. Dr. Carol Dweck’s research on “fixed” vs. “growth” mindsets reveals how our beliefs about intelligence impact our success. Karen’s session explores the neuroscience behind cultivating a “growth mindset” in ourselves and others. Participants will grasp key differences between the mindsets and learn practical ways to foster growth.