The wraparound practice model is a promising approach targeting children, youth and families with severe emotional or behavioral needs. It is an ecologically based process and approach to care planning that builds on the collective action of a committed group of family, friends, community, professional and cross-system supports mobilizing resources and talents from a variety of sources resulting in the creation of a plan of care that is the best fit between the family vision and story, team mission, strengths, needs and strategies. During the wraparound process, the youth and family team works collaboratively utilizing the strengths of the team and community to develop an individualized plan of care for the youth and caregivers. The team meets to implement this plan, monitor the efficacy of the plan and work towards success over time. People in a variety of different roles — both formal and informal — play important roles in carrying out the wraparound process with families and their children.
This web-based training is intended to provide participants with a broad overview of wraparound. It is part of the training and technical assistance activities associated with the Achieving Successful Systems Enriching (ASSET) expansion grant. ASSET is focused on improving outcomes for children and youth with complex mental health needs and their families. The intended audience for this webinar includes anyone involved with children or youth programs or services interested in learning about how wraparound is used as part of a continuum of care for family and youth in a system of care framework.
Learn more about Wraparound.
Some of the links in the video may be outdated. Please refer to the Texas System of Care web page referenced above for the most current information and links.
Ricardo Lardizabal says
I enjoyed the presentation and learned the basics of Wraparound!