The Texas System of Care strategic plan is the result of input from family organizations, youth leaders, community leaders, practitioners, and state agency representatives — all committed to expanding the system of care (SOC) framework across Texas to improve outcomes for children and youth with serious emotional disturbances (SED) and their families. The strategic plan builds upon lessons learned from previous and current state and community efforts to develop systems of care.
Vision: All Texas children have access to high quality mental health care that is family-driven, youth-guided, community-based, culturally-grounded, and sustainable.
Our vision sets the stage for launching a comprehensive strategic approach to achieve statewide system of care implementation. The proposed goals and activities will strengthen state and community leadership and build support for SOC; enhance the capacity of communities for system change; increase access to an array of effective services and supports; align fiscal strategies to support sustainable infrastructure; and expand the use of meaningful data to inform system accountability and quality.
2017–2021 Strategic Plan
Texas System of Care MOU 2017
2013–2017 Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan is a living, working document that will be refined as partners continue to be identified and specific tasks and timeframes are determined, but the overall goals and strategies serve as the basic tenets to establish the framework to expand the system of care approach in Texas. The strategic plan was last updated on April 12, 2017.